Experience The Power Of Embedding Live Shopping Videos On Your Website With Swirl

Discover the power of Swirl's embedded live shopping & shoppable videos. Gain valuable data, keep customers hooked, and stay in control of your online success.

Nidhi Sharma
July 13, 2023
Mins Read
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With the Swirl live streaming app, you can easily embed videos in your eCommerce website, offer a custom brand experience, and access valuable first-party data from your customers. Here’s how.

Engaging with customers in meaningful and interesting ways is a top priority for any eCommerce business. By creating a livestream website, you can eliminate distractions, keep customers on your site, streamline the purchase process, and reduce cart abandonment.

In addition to all this, Swirl's embedded shoppable video feature provides you with the following concrete advantages:

  • Collect valuable first-party data
  • Offer an exclusive RSVP function
  • Create a custom experience
  • Take advantage of Picture-in-Picture viewing
  • Control your own brand narrative

Let’s jump right in.

Collecting First-party Data For Live Selling

First-party data is the data you collect directly from a customer, with their consent, through opt-ins, online surveys, subscriptions, and other forms. The Swirl live streaming app collects first-party data that covers all kinds of valuable information about your customers, such as: 

  • Timestamps and visited URLs
  • Language
  • Preferences
  • Demographics
  • Add-to-cart history
Swirl's Dashboard

This is the best form of data that a business can collect, for three reasons:

  • Using first-party data is both safe and legal: When relying on second and third-party data from external sources, there is a risk of non-compliance with data privacy regulations. However, with first-party data, obtained directly from customers who have given their permission, you can ensure compliance and avoid any legal issues.
  • First-party data is the most accurate: It provides you with up-to-date and precise information about your customer base, allowing you to gain deep insights and stay in touch with the latest trends.
  • First-party data meets customer expectations: Customers who share their data with your brand do so willingly, knowing how it will be used. By aligning your marketing efforts with their expectations, you can effectively engage with these leads, increasing the likelihood of conversions.

From mid-2022 onwards, the prevalence of third-party data (traditionally used in most web marketing) began to drop. Google Chrome phased it out in late 2022, and aims to completely move away from it by 2023. A number of other companies, including Meta (Facebook) and Apple are working towards this goal as well. 

This means that advertising using third-party data will become harder and more expensive during the transition phase. Businesses with an excessive reliance on third-party data may struggle to collect enough first-party data to carry out the same level of marketing. This is why it is important for your livestream website to begin collecting unique data that belongs exclusively to you. 

Offer An Exclusive RSVP Feature For Live Shopping

When you're planning a live shopping event, it's important to give promotions and invitations a big role in your strategy. Make sure you have a schedule for promoting on social media, running paid ads, and reminding people to save the date.

With Swirl's embedded video function, you get a unique RSVP feature that adds a touch of exclusivity by sending limited invites to special customers. This creates a buzz around the event, encourages word-of-mouth, and gains social media traction. 

The RSVP feature allows you to collect valuable first-party data like names, phone numbers, locations, or email IDs. Swirl's live streaming app takes care of sending automated event reminders through SMS or email, so you can remind viewers a day before or even a few minutes prior to the event. This helps minimize no-shows and ensures more people tune in to watch your live video event.

Create A Branded Experience For Live Selling

With Swirl, brands can create a custom page on their website for all live shopping events, past and future. This allows customers to remain on your website instead of being redirected to external websites like Youtube to watch. This can be seen in the below example:

In addition, Swirl’s white-label live shopping features include these options to customize the look and feel of the page: 

  • Customize the URL
  • Adjust font size and colour to match your brand
  • Design the page to brand specifications

Take Advantage Of Picture-in-picture Live Shopping

Swirl's Picture-in-Picture (PiP) video functionality is a crowd favorite and incredibly effective. This awesome feature is accessible to any brand that has integrated the Swirl livestreaming app on their website.

With PiP, your shoppers can watch the livestream while they continue exploring your website. No matter where they click, the video stays on as a small window. This means hosts can share links, guide customers to product pages or catalogs, and showcase a variety of products seamlessly, without disrupting the session. 

The PiP function creates a consistent branded experience that enhances recall, keeps the audience engaged on your website, showcases authenticity, and fosters trust. 

Control Your Own Brand Narrative In Your Virtual Store

In a world of changing algorithms and complex privacy laws, it is more important than ever to be the owner of your own brand. By allowing your live shopping content to reside on external platforms, you have no control over how that content is displayed, and very little visibility into customer insights, content performance, and other important data points that are relevant to your business. 

In contrast, when your content is hosted on your own website, you have complete authority over all aspects. Here are the two most important benefits:

  • Eliminating distractions: The problem of abandoned carts is a major concern for eCommerce marketers today, often caused by the numerous distractions customers encounter. When participating in a live shopping session on an external platform, viewers are bombarded with social media notifications, platform recommendations, and ads from competitors. It only takes one click for them to be led astray from your site.

By embedding your live shopping videos on your own website, customers are exclusively exposed to your brand's content. They have the opportunity to fully explore your product range and engage with retail associates, ultimately shortening the path to purchase.

  • Design control: External platforms host multiple live streams from various brands, lacking distinctive branding elements to set one livestream apart from another. How will new customers remember you? On an external platform, it may not be possible to lead customers from a product page to a blog. However, with Swirl's embedded shoppable video feature, you have the freedom to guide customers along any path you deem most suitable.

How To Embed Shoppable Videos On Your Website

Embedding Swirl’s live shopping videos on your website is easy, even if you don’t have the technical know-how. 

Swirl offers you a white-label SaaS platform that can be integrated with your website very easily. If you have a Shopify website, you can integrate it in a single click, with no coding required. If your website is hosted on any other platform, all you need to do is copy-paste two lines of JavaScript code into your website. 

With our white-label platform, your customers enjoy a native virtual shopping session on your website, under your URL, without any external branding. Your URL remains prominently displayed, ensuring a fully integrated experience. Additionally, you can utilize features such as RSVPs and reminders to enhance the exclusivity of the event. These advanced functionalities are included in the Premium and Pro packages.

If you're unsure about embedding shoppable videos on your website, you can opt for Swirl's branded sub-domain experience, available in the Starter or Basic package. This allows you to create and share live shopping events with your customers using a branded URL that incorporates both your brand and Swirl.


If you’d like to know more about embedding live shopping sessions on your website, our team would be happy to talk to you and explain the feature. Just reach out to us here and set up a demo at your convenience.

Nidhi Sharma
Marketing Executive

With 8 years of writing experience, Nidhi brings Swirl's voice to life, delivering insightful updates and industry trends with video commerce and pertinent ideas at her fingertips.

How does Swirl help collect valuable customer data through live shopping?
What is the benefit of Swirl's exclusive RSVP feature for live shopping events?
How can Swirl help create a branded live shopping experience?
What is the benefit of Swirl's Picture-in-Picture (PiP) functionality? pen_spark
How does Swirl help you control your brand narrative during live shopping?

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